The Museum


The Museum


Officina della Scrittura, Turin’s unique Museum of Writing, is the place to discover and learn about the culture of handwriting and the world of human pencraft, from the origins of written symbols through to the myriad forms of modern communication.

Visitors can admire the iconic Remington typewriters and explore the history of the fountain pen, from the “13 Queens” to the story of Aurora, the firm whose pens have left their mark on the last century of Italian history.

But that’s not all: you can also find vintage advertising posters, educational workshops offering a number of courses open to schools and the general public, or take a tour of the Aurora pen factory.

The Museum is truly unique. Housed in a thousand-year-old building close to the ancient Abbey of Stura, it’s the perfect blend of technology and tradition, offering a multisensory experience that will inform, delight and educate visitors of all ages.

Conventions and collaborations